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dance stats

an experiment in contemporary dance

what is this?

DANCE STATS is an interactive contemporary dance experiment run by an industrial engineer/choreographer (me) between performers (us) and our audience (you!).  You watch dance pieces -- each one is only 60 seconds long -- and you rate it on a scale of 1 (this is lame) to 10 (this is something i'd spend an evening watching).  

When you're done, we'll tell you which elements of the choreography you responded to, and how your opinion stacks up against everyone else in the experiment, both live and online.  

how it works

Each piece of choreography is carefully calibrated to include a unique combination of five choreographic "factors."  Believe me, we've done the hard part.  All you have to do is:

1. Scroll to the survey below.

2. For each question, click the link and watch the dance.

3. Rate each piece on a scale of 1-10.

4. Fill out the demographic questions (if you like!)

5. Click "Submit"

The full experiment takes about 45 minutes.  You are welcome to stop and hit Submit anytime.... but you'll learn the most about your own preferences by completing the whole experiment.  

i don't like participating, i'd rather just read about this
i'm ready!

psst... on mobile? use this jazzy purple button instead.  when the page loads, turn your phone sideways for best viewing!

psst... make sure you hit Submit on the survey before you click the Results button!







DANCE STATS was presented in 2016 by The Tank NYC, a home for the arts.  We couldn't have done this project without their support, and we are so grateful for the team at The Tank and their mission to support independent artists in NYC.

© 2018 jaema joy dance

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